Amazon fresh delivery
Amazon fresh delivery

amazon fresh delivery

The script will stop running if your computer falls asleep. They are exposing themselves to risk to protect us.

  • Once you receive your order, please consider tipping if you can.
  • Turn up the volume to hear the notification when a slot is found.
  • Open delivery-window-finder.scpt in Script Editor and click the 'Play' button to run it and follow the prompts.
  • Stop once you've arrived at the page saying no slots are available
  • Fill your Whole Foods/Amazon Fresh cart with your complete order and proceed through the checkout process manually.
  • amazon fresh delivery

  • Enable "Allow JavaScript from Apple Events".
  • Download the 'delivery-window-finder.scpt' here.
  • Read the Compatibility section below to make sure the tool will work for you.
  • Wishing you resilience and hope! Feel free to post concerns in the Issues section. Some users report success of after 20+ tries. These phantom slots are very common and are unfortunately in Amazon's control, not mine. Often you will select a slot but the page will refresh and the slot will disappear. No guarantee that slots will be found and/or that slots will work. Now the tool can automatically ignore these warnings so it keep looking for slots without your intervention.
  • displays notices when items in your cart go out of stock.
  • Auto-ignore out of stock items - added 3/31/20.
  • One step closer to this program running without needing any monitoring/intervention Now it automatically navigates back the delivery slot page whenever an unknown page is encountered.
  • sometimes redirects the URL of the delivery slot page to the Amazon homepage, and previously the tool would require a manual restart.
  • Automatically handle unknown pages - added 4/6/20.
  • amazon fresh delivery

    Thus it's recommended that you enter a different phone number from the one linked to your 'Messages' app (e.g your google voice number that forwards to your real number, a family member's number, your work cell-phone) Added by popular demand, despite limitated utility: If you set the recipient to the same number linked to your Mac's 'Messages' app, you may not be notified on your phone as the texts may be automatically marked as read. You can now get text messages when a slot is found.Text message notifications - added 4/6/20.Improve user experiecnce to accompany new features.Amazon Fresh/Whole Foods Delivery Slot FinderĪ Mac-only tool that finds available delivery slots for 's Whole Foods delivery and Amazon Fresh services.

    Amazon fresh delivery